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Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts

& How to Use Them

An 8-week Program to Learn How to Unlock Your Own Innate Abilities

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Are you curious if you could be psychic or have spiritual gifts?


Do you see spirit people or hear voices?

Do you want to know why strange things are happening; such as items in your home mysteriously moving or disappearing?

Do you get an odd feeling when you walk into certain buildings or can feel what someone else is feeling?


Have you known things were going to happen prior to them happening?

Discovering your spiritual gifts is a lifelong journey. You may have questioned whether or not you are a psychic, medium, empath, or maybe something else. 

Trying to find a safe place to learn and grow spiritual gifts can feel like walking through a land mine at best. I am trained to guide and assist you on your spiritual path. If you can answer "yes" to any of the questions above,

I can help you open and expand your abilities. 

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Did you answer YES to any of the questions?


Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts

8-week program is perfect for you if you...

  • want to confirm you have spiritual gifts and what they are.

  • are ready to make better decisions based on your intuition in your everyday life.

  • want to feel confident to trust your own inner wisdom, and feel grounded in your life.

  • feel called to step in to your own power as a psychic, medium, or intuitive empath.

  • want to understand the difference between hearing your voice and the voice of spirit.

  • willing to be an active participant in learning and growing your spiritual muscles.

What is Included:

  • ​8 weekly 90 minute live classes held in a private online group.

  • An opportunity to test your skills with hands-on practice exercises from Marlene.

  • Discover and explore your spiritual abilities with guidance and support at your own pace.

  • Be a part of an interactive Facebook community with like-minded intuitive that will support you.

  • Q and A sessions.

  • Additional resources and support materials.

  • All classes will be recorded and made available to you. If you are unable to attend a class, no worries, you will have access to it so you can go back and listen at your convenience.

A note from Marlene 


The first thing I want to say is welcome! You can now take a nice deep breath and know you are in the right place. A place where you can talk about things without being judged and supported as you ask questions for better understanding.


Sometimes we allow our personal lives to affect our spiritual life. We may hold ourselves back. I understand from my own experience how fear, self-doubt, and an unclear understanding can keep me from moving into the life I have dreamed about. Over the years I have had the honor to professionally work as a medium, psychic, therapist, and transformational life coach. The wisdom I have gained from my life, professionally and personally, has led me to help others. 


My intention is to share my best wisdom, training, and experiences with you. My wish for you is you will grow into your own spiritual gifts feeling accepted and loved as you discover your own passionate path.

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Fran McEachern

"Marlene has a way of making you comfortable right away. I walked into the class nervous about meeting new people but Marlene helped me to feel like I belonged there. I finally found a place where I could talk freely about what I see without being judged or feel crazy. She helped me to know I am a medium."

Colleen A. 

"I started going because I have always been curious about psychic work but always thought I had to become a reader or something if I joined a class. Marlene helped me realize I can learn about my own intuition and use it in my everyday life. After I started going I discovered I have more psychic and intuition ability than I realized. 

Susan K.

"After a few classes, I found a place that felt warm and relaxed but in a fun way. Marlene always makes us laugh and walks around to make sure we are doing ok. She has a way of making me feel encouraged even if I thought I did not do well"  

No matter where you are on the spiritual path, I can guide you to the next level.


It is possible for you to be clear on your spiritual gifts, feel confident, and trust the insights you receive.

This is a place for clients feel safe and supported on their individual journey to uncover and expand their spiritual gifts.  You will learn how to move past your personal blocks, and gain confidence to move forward in learning how to use your spiritual abilities.


8-Week LIVE Course Schedule

Week 1 - Getting to know your gifts

Monday, April 5th at 7:00 pm ET, 4:00 pm PT

-Start understanding where your abilities come from and how they can fit into your life.

-How to know you actually have abilities.

-Q & A (last 15 mins.)


Week 2 - Chakras/Clairs/Auras

Friday, April 16th at 7:00 pm ET, 4:00 pm PT

-Learn how Chakras affect your gifts. Understand the importance of opening up and closing down. 

-Boundary Setting, protection, ethics.

-Learn the 3 main Clairs and how they can help you.

-What is an Aura and why is it important.

-Q & A (last 15 mins.)

Week 3 - Intuitive Impressions -Tapping in 

Monday, April 19th at 7:00 pm ET, 4:00 pm PT

-Become aware of how you have already been using your gifts in normal situations.

-Learn how to embrace your senses, listen to your intuition, and trust your gut.

-Q & A (last 15 mins.)


Week 4 - Empath/Intuition/Pendulums

Wednesday, April 28th at 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

-Empath Quiz-Understanding the different types of Empaths.

-Learn to recognize your intuitive “hits”.

-Q & A (last 15 mins.)

Week 5 - Psychic & Mediumship Exercises

Monday, May 3rd at 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

-Learn the difference between Psychic work and Mediumship. What does the Auric field have to do with psychic and mediumship.

-Q & A (last 15 mins.)

Week 6 - Psychic & Mediumship Exercises

Monday, May 10th at 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

-Learn the difference between Psychic work and Mediumship.

-Meditation and getting your mind out of the way.

-Q & A (last 15 mins.)


Week 7- Psychic & Mediumship Cont. Plus Psychometry & Automatic Writing

Monday, May 17th at 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

-Begin to understand all the different ways to utilize your abilities

-Q & A (last 15 mins.) 


Week 8- Assessments/Readings/What's next/Spiritual Routines

Monday, May 24th at 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

-You will develop your own spiritual routine

-Understand the importance of sitting in the power and monitoring your Vibration levels. 

-Q & A

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Are you ready to make better decisions based on your intuition and use it in your everyday life?

Please contact me at

for more information

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